My Story

My entire life I’ve been a creator: short films, experimental sounds, costumes, artwork — you name it. But no matter what I’m creating, I’m always focusing on one thing…

Storytelling is what drives us toward action. Those nights spent going to the movies with friends or traveling to exotic destinations weren’t about taking time off, they were about finding inspiration. Watching a story be told was the driving factor behind everything I’ve done.

Some of those instances called for being a part of the story. I felt that the emotions music made me feel were to be shared with others, so I set off to tell those stories myself.

I began making music and djing when I was a freshman in high school. There were days where straight after classes on Fridays I would head off to a New York City nightclub to prepare for the 2,000 people showing up that night. It was quite a life for a young high school student, but it still didn’t feel like the story I wanted to tell.

It Took Trial and Error

A few adventures later, I found myself admiring the places my imagination took me while observing the universe around me.

It started with my first video editing clients — 2 NFL players, one from the Miami Dolphins and one from the Atlanta Falcons. Their agent wanted me to create social media content that showed they were more than just athletes. So I listened, watched, and observed what was happening beyond the field.

I had no interest in football, and I still don’t — but if anything, that gave me more reason to try to understand these personalities that I was building a brand on top of. I really enjoyed turning those society viewed as superhumans into the internet’s friends.

After that spark, I got the opportunity to bring my storytelling skills to work on brand-building projects — working alongside celebrities like Jaleel White and Cardi B, with international cultural festivals, and even parts of history.

I see art as a powerful tool,

and your story is my next project.